SPIRIT, NOT FLESH : Tuesday August 11th 2015

Memorise: Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? Hebrew 12:9

 Bible Test: Isaiah 40:6-8

 Bible in one year: Genesis 8-10, John 11:45-12:8

Mann is limited because he is confined to a body made from dust (Genesis 3:19). He is also limited because even at his best, he is comparable to the flowers of the field (Isaiah 40:6-8), which grow, glow, fade and die. Sometimes, because they are glowing so beautifully, they are cut and used either for play or for decoration, after which they die. Unlike man, God is not limited, because He is Spirit and He is not made of dust. Jesus in John 4:24 revealed the nature of God to us when He said:

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”
Not only is God a spirit, He is the Father of spirits (Hebrews 12:9). All spirits derive their powers from Him. If you can appreciate how powerful angels are, then you can begin to comprehend this God who created and empowered billions of angels and has the power to command them to cease to exist in a moment. Imagine that one angel alone, razed down the entire army of a mighty nation in just one night (2nd Kings 19:35). This should give you a little insight into how great and mighty the Father of spirit is.

To break away from our limitations as humans, we must move towards becoming more of spirit by becoming more like God. Man is a tripartite being made up of spirit, soul and body. All three components must be developed in that order. Your spirit must be given the greatest priority in development, followed by your soul. Your body should not be developed to the detriment of your spirit and soul. If you are not born-again, your spirit is dead, and the soul is heading for Hell. In the unsaved state, the flesh is in charge of an individual’s life. The flesh is a servant of sin and therefore, a slave to Satan. Wherever the flesh rules, Satan is in control. If your body is what dictates to you when you pray, how you pray, how often you eat, what to do with your passions and how you relate with God, you can be sure that it will never draw you closer to God. It will do everything possible to separate you from God and keep your spirit-man dead or weak. The longer you live in the flesh by gratifying it lusts, the weaker you become in the spirit. But if you can be born-again and develop your spirit-man by feasting regularly on God’s word, praying in the Holy Spirit, walking in obedience to God and worshiping Him in spirit and in truth, your limitations will give way to your empowered form. Decide to grow your spirit-man in all you do from today!

Action Point:Whenever you worship God, always engage your spirit-man.

NORMAL & ASSISTED PROGRESS : Monday August 10th 2015

Memorise: He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds: Psalm 78:70
 Bible Text: Genesis 27:1-10
 Bible in one year: Genesis 5-7, John 11:28-44
On the scale of progress, after the state of retardation comes the state of normal promotion. This refers to a state of progress where growth occurs at a normal rate or at a generally acceptable pace. A person operating on this level moves step by step and from stage to stage. In some organisations, it is normal to be promoted from one level to another once in four or five years. However, the problem with this kind of promotion is that it is ordinary; there is nothing exceptional about it. It is at variance with the abundant life Jesus came to give us (John 10:10). Normal promotion is not exactly what God has planned for you as a child of destiny. It is crowded at this level of progress. In all their lifetime, some people have never experienced any type of progress beyond the normal. If you are in this category, the Lord is moving you to something higher this season in Jesus’ Name. From a crowded school of prophets and teachers in Antioch, the Holy Ghost separated Paul and Barnabas to an exceptional life in ministry (Acts 13:1-2). The Lord will separate you from the crowd and make you exceptional in Jesus’ Name.

Beyond the state of normal promotion is a state known as assisted promotion. This is experience when someone is personally interested in your welfare and choose to assist you by taking you to a level you are not yet due for. The three Hebrew boys Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego experienced this in Daniel 2:49
“Then Daniel requested of the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, over the affairs of the province of Babylon: but Daniel sat in the gate of the king.”
After their friend, Daniel, was made a great man, they were assisted to the top based on his recommendation. Note however that this state of progress still requires hard work, as this may even be the reason why you were considered for elevation in the first place. Another example of assisted progress can be found in the story of Isaac and his family. Isaac called his beloved son and firstborn, Esau, and instructed him to go hunt and prepare him a delicious meal so that he could transfer the generational blessing to him. As he left to do so, his mother, who overheard her husband’s instructions, decided to arrest the blessing from Esau and pass it over to Jacob, her own beloved son. She therefore designed a plot to assist him, and she schooled him on what to do. In the Name of Jesus, the Lord will raise people to assist you into a level you were not expected to attain. Human and divine assistance shall work in your favour this season in Jesus’ Name.

Prayer Point:Father, let human and divine assistance relocate me to the top.

YOUR BLESSINGS ARE RESERVED : Sunday August 9th 2015


Memorise: The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant place; yea, I have a goodly heritage. Psalm 16:6

 Bible Text: Psalm 16:5-9

 Bible in one year: Genesis 3-4, John 11:1-27

One thing that robs many people of peace is the uncertainty of the future. If you are living in right standing with God, your future is guaranteed not by man or by the economy of your nation, but by God. Hence, Isaiah 3:10 says:
“Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.”
Are you saved, sanctified and living a life that pleases God daily? If you are, then you have no reason to be worried about your tomorrow. Your future is secured in Christ. This is the reason why Jesus charged His own not to worry over what to eat, drink or wear (Matthew 6:25-34). With this assurance, Apostle Paul also in Philippians 4:6 said:
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.”

Another reason why the righteous have peace is the assurance that they will prosper. Our Heavenly Father in Isaiah 1:19 promised that:
“If ye be willing and obedience, ye shall eat the good of the land:”
If you are holy, your portion of divine blessings is reserved for you. Part of the wealth of this world has been reserved by God just for you. Nobody can take your portion from you. When you know this, you will not be moved or be afraid, no matter what you go through.  No wonder today’s Bible reading says that while God was sharing land to His children, a good portion, very fertile and fruitful, was allotted to you. It also assures you that God is the One who secures your blessing so that no one can steal it from you. As you live in righteousness before Him, simply put your trust in Him. Ask Him to lead you to your reserved land. Nothing will take your reserved portion of blessings away from you. Simply please God by regularly worshipping and thanking Him; win souls and support the expansion of His kingdom on earth. As you do these, He will surely lead you into the portion of divine inheritance reserved for you.   

Action Point:Thank God for reserving a blessing for you in His safe haven.

YOUR BLESSINGS ARE RESERVED : Sunday August 9th 2015


Memorise: The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant place; yea, I have a goodly heritage. Psalm 16:6

 Bible Text: Psalm 16:5-9

 Bible in one year: Genesis 3-4, John 11:1-27

One thing that robs many people of peace is the uncertainty of the future. If you are living in right standing with God, your future is guaranteed not by man or by the economy of your nation, but by God. Hence, Isaiah 3:10 says:
“Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.”
Are you saved, sanctified and living a life that pleases God daily? If you are, then you have no reason to be worried about your tomorrow. Your future is secured in Christ. This is the reason why Jesus charged His own not to worry over what to eat, drink or wear (Matthew 6:25-34). With this assurance, Apostle Paul also in Philippians 4:6 said:
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.”

Another reason why the righteous have peace is the assurance that they will prosper. Our Heavenly Father in Isaiah 1:19 promised that:
“If ye be willing and obedience, ye shall eat the good of the land:”
If you are holy, your portion of divine blessings is reserved for you. Part of the wealth of this world has been reserved by God just for you. Nobody can take your portion from you. When you know this, you will not be moved or be afraid, no matter what you go through.  No wonder today’s Bible reading says that while God was sharing land to His children, a good portion, very fertile and fruitful, was allotted to you. It also assures you that God is the One who secures your blessing so that no one can steal it from you. As you live in righteousness before Him, simply put your trust in Him. Ask Him to lead you to your reserved land. Nothing will take your reserved portion of blessings away from you. Simply please God by regularly worshipping and thanking Him; win souls and support the expansion of His kingdom on earth. As you do these, He will surely lead you into the portion of divine inheritance reserved for you.   

Action Point:Thank God for reserving a blessing for you in His safe haven.

FAVOUR BRINGS DIVINE FOCUS : Saturday August 8th 2015


Memorise: And as Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth. John 9:1

Bible Text: John 9:1-7

 Bible in one year: Genesis 1-2, John 10:22-42

John 9:1n talks about a man who was born blind. He had been blind for over 40 years, but when his day of favour came, Jesus saw him. This was not an accidental glance; rather, God directed the attention He gives to the whole universe to this blind man. The favour of God brought this blind man under divine focus. Through this same favour, Esther also came under special focus (Esther 5:1-8). King Ahasuerus did not just see Esther; he focused his attention on her. This was not ordinary king; he was a very busy king overseeing 120 nations. As busy as he was, when he looked at Esther, it was not just a passing glance but a life-changing glance of favour.

Similarly, in John 5:2-6, in the midst of a multitude of sick but expectant folks, there was a man who had been there for 38 years without help. Jesus saw him and singled him out of the crowd. Among all the multitude of people having your particular type of problem, favour will locate you today and you will be singled out for a miracle in Jesus’ Name. There was a particular man who had two PhDs but still could not get a job for more than six years. By the time he was brought for prayers, he looked like a mad man. He looked like someone who never stepped into a school, because he has gone through a lot. We introduced him to Jesus and he willingly accepted Him into his life. Not long after, the people in his local government, who had been looking for someone to employ, suddenly took interest in him. What several application letters could not do became settled when God focused his attention on him, and his long pressing need was met. For so long it might appear you have been going unnoticed. You have called out to God, fasted, praised and worshipped Him sincerely from your heart, but it appears as if God has either turned a deaf ear or your prayers have never passed the ceiling of your house. You are becoming discouraged as a result of this, and you are wondering if your prayer efforts are of any use. Do not be discouraged! God is not only looking towards your direction right now, He is also paying proper attention to you. Your situation is about to turn around for good. Hold on to the Lord in faith. Give Him more thanks, praise, worship and adoration. Wait on God until your change comes!
“If a man die, shall he live again? all the days on my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.”   
Action Point:Ask God to remember all innocent people who are unjustly awaiting trial in prisons. Ask Him to grant them favour and set them free.


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