THE LONG WAIT : Monday September 7th 2015


Memorise: And saying, where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 2nd Peter 3:4
Bible Text: Matthew 25:1-13

Bible in one year: Exodus 15:22-17:16, Romans 9:1-18

Imagine that while running a marathon, with all your focus on the finish line, you suddenly run out of energy; would it be easy for you to complete the race? Definitely not! Most likely, you would have to pull out of the race. We see this scenario repeatedly playing out itself in the Christian race. Many people who started the Christian race, who were expected to run the race to the end, have suddenly run out of steam and are falling by the wayside. When the 10 virgins in our Bible reading started their race, they all hoped to finish it. One lesson this parable teaches us is that the race may be longer than expected. If anything, you must plan to run for as long as it takes until you reach the finish line. Only five of the virgins realised the need to sustain their resolve, and so they were careful to carry some extra oil. Beyond what every other person is doing, what additional preparations are you making and what extra precautions are you taking with respect to the race set before you? If you truly want to reach the end of this Heaven-bound journey, you will need more steam in your reserves. You will need more of the anointing, because it’s not by power nor by might that victory is secured. The anointing that works miracles, signs and wonders is different from the anointing that gives grace to hold the baton till the very end. Your zeal gives grace to hold the baton till the very end. Your zeal to continue needs to be renewed daily. May you never lack the will or the power to run the race!
We are in a marathon: the course of which can sometimes be longer than expected. It can also be more stressful and more demanding that we ever thought. When I got saved, most of us who were saved at that time believed that Jesus would most likely come back within 10 years of our salvation. I was a lecturer then, and on several occasion, some students would come to me asking “Since the Lord is coming very soon, why are we studying?” I told them that since Jesus asked us to occupy until He comes, they needed to continue their studies and do other legitimate things, especially since we were not told the exact time or day of His coming. A colleague of mine who was supposed to pursue a PhD programme even cancelled it. He believed that Jesus would come really soon, and so acquiring a PhD would be useless. Over 30 years down the line, we are still waiting for the Lord. Don’t be tired of waiting for the Lord’s return. Occupy yourself with the things He gave you to do, and keep being focused. You shall surely reach the end of the race, and you will finish strong in Jesus’ Name.

Action Point:In expectation of the Lord Jesus, live each day as if it were your last, but do not neglect to do all that is expected of you.

HE CONTROLS TIME AND SEASONS :Sunday September 6th 2015 


Memorise: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: Daniel 2:21

Bible Text: Daniel 2:19-21
Bible in one year: Exodus 13:17-15:21, Romans 8:18-39

Do you know that God still reverses the irreversible? He can go into your past to affect your today, and He can also go into your past to affect your today, and He can also go into your future and make it glorious. He can even change your appointment with death to a future date, just as He extended King Hezekiah’s life by 15 years (2nd Kings 20:6). This shall be your portion in Jesus’ Name! Some years ago, a woman came from America to a Holy Ghost service we organised in London. She was advanced in age, had attained menopause and she was barren. During the course of the programme, a word of knowledge came that there was a woman in the congregation for whom God had just removed 10 years from her current age. She said “Amen! That must be me.” Thereafter, she told her younger sisters whom she accompanied to the programme that “Don’t call me ‘Aunty’ (a matured woman) anymore; I am now ‘Sisi’ (a young lady)! A few minutes later, another word of knowledge came saying that the woman who had just been made 10 years younger would return with her baby same time next year. Convinced the word from God was for her, she said “O God, You must have seen me today.” A year later, she had her baby.
Be assured that God who did it for this woman will also do it for you; Hebrew 13:8 says:
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”
God will turn the times and the seasons of your life around in your favour in Jesus’ Name. Have people written you off and said you will die childless? The Lord God will go into your future and say “I know you were supposed to die childless, but I am changing that so that on the day you will die and be buried, you will have at least four of your own children at your funeral.” If people write you off, God can write you in. Has somebody looked at you and told you to your face that you can never be rich, because poverty is a perfect fit for you? The Lord will reverse this pronouncement. Has your teacher told you that you are so dull mentally that you can never amount to anything academically or professionally? The Lord will change that. Has anyone in your extended family told you that you can never amount to anything in life? The Lord will also change that. God has the power to change anything, but the problem is that some of us have accepted the negative pronouncements that have been passed on to us by others. That is very wrong. As long as you believe their lie and accept it, God will not be able to change anything concerning you, no matter how much He wants to.
Prayer Point:Father, those who have said I can’t become what You created me to be, turn them into liars.


SHINE IN PROSPERITY : Saturday September 5th 2015


Memorise: Cry yet, saying, thus saith the LORD of hosts; my cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem. Zechariah 1:17

Bible Text: Deuteronomy 28:9-13

 Bible in one year: Exodus 12:1-13:16, Romans 8:1-17

While it is true that the Lord expects us to shine in the areas of our character and soul-winning, He also expects us to shine in the area of prosperity. No wonder He gave us great promises on prosperity, such as these found in Deuteronomy 28:12:
“The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.”
Poverty is one of the repercussions of sin; hence there is so much poverty across the globe. God is not happy with the level of poverty in the world, this is why He has chosen to make His children prosper and set them as lights that will wipe out the darkness of poverty from nations (Psalm 35:27). If you have been blessed by God but have not yet reached the level where you can lend to nations, it shows that you have not yet arrived at the level of prosperity God is taking you to. Because of your current lowly situation, you may find it hard to believe that God can truly increase you to this level, but the truth about God’s integrity is that if He has promised to do it, He will definitely keep His promises, provided you do your part.
 Concerning where God is taking you to, you would be wise to always remember that your present situation does not matter. God’s destination for you is quite different from where you are now. Your present location cannot stop God from taking you to the destination He has for you. He is the God who can relocate a beggar from the dunghill to sit with princes and nobles (1st Samuel 2:8). David was just a shepherd boy attending to his father’s little flock, but when God decided to move him into greatness, his humble circumstances did not stop God. The young shepherd boy became king according to God’s promise (2nd Samuel 7:8). God did the same for Joseph. Joseph had a dream, but he also had very determined dream-killers as brothers. They sold him into slavery, and at a point he was a prisoner. In spite of all these, he rose from prison to become prime minister of Egypt (Psalm 105:17-22). You too are destined to be great! Your present challenges or limitations cannot stop you from becoming what God has ordained you to be. You shall be great! Nothing will stop you. No one can stop you. It is well with your tomorrow.  

Prayer Point:Father, make a statement on prosperity to the world with my life and family.

KNOW YOUR PLACE : Friday September 4th 2015


Memorise: But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judge of no man. 1st Corinthians 2:15

Bible Text: Numbers 12:1-10

 Bible in one year: Exodus 10-11, Romans 7

Although Miriam was Moses’ elder sister and leader of the women of Israel, she was a casualty of God’s judgement in the wilderness. It is instructive to note that an individual occupying such a sensitive position could not escape God’s judgement when she goofed. For speaking against Moses, God struck her with leprosy. It took the intercession of Moses to reduce her sentence to one week; otherwise she might have died a leper (Numbers 12:13-15). From this example, every man should know their place and learn never to speak against God’s servants. The more anointed they are, the more dangerous it is to offend them. If Psalm 105:14-15 is anything to go by, God does not permit anyone to harm His anointed. If God’s anointed offends you, apart from telling the fellow directly, you can report the fellow to God who anointed him or her, and God surely knows how to deal with His anointed. Never take it upon yourself to speak evil of God’s anointed, and never attempt to cause such a fellow harm. If you do, God may have to defend His anointed against you. Anyone fighting God’s anointed is fighting the God who anointed him or her and with God, this can get very personal.
Our God is a God of structure, order and government. From the example of Miriam in the wilderness, we understand that God follows the spiritual order of authority when judging His anointed servants. To this end, God expects his younger ministers to be submissive to higher spiritual authority. We should also learn that our God is a God of justice who will judge any highly anointed person who tries to take advantage of those under him or her. Are you highly anointed of God? God has placed you as a role model to those under you; you should therefore not misbehave because you are occupying a high ecclesiastical office. Don’t abuse your spiritual authority by cruelly lording yourself over your subordinates and making unreasonable demands. If your subordinate is right in a matter, God will judge you, the superior who has done wrong. This can be inferred from the case of David and Uriah (2nd Samuel 11&12). Today, many believers are suffering in several ways for fighting, opposing, obstructing and gossiping about God’s anointed. It is unfortunate that most people affected by this are not even aware of it. It’s time to deal with your problems at their root. Consider your attitude to God’s anointed today.

Action Point:Examine yourself to see if you are suffering in any way as a result of your attitude towards God’s anointed. If you are, repent and restitute your ways.  


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