Memorise: Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too
hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:6-8, Bible in one year: 2nd Chronicles
18:28-20:37, Luke 23:44-24:12
Your ability to perform well depends largely on the power and resources
available to you. Every human being will be faced with the reality of
insufficient resources in the face of a pressing need at one point or the
other. Hence, economists advise us to forgo certain alternatives, and draw up a
scale of preference on our needs. Man’s limitations have caused the
introduction of certain words and phrases into our vocabulary, such as:
impossible, cannot, too late, irreversible, etc. All these reflect our state of
human limitation and incapacity. Even God recognises man’s limitations. Psalm
103:14 says:
“For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we
are dust.”
Our natural frailty and limitation is exposed in today’s Bible reading,
where man is described as grass that withers easily. Also, Bildad the Shuhite
describes man as a frail worm in Jobs 25:6:
“How much less man, that is a worm? And the son of
man, which is a worm?”
It is therefore evident that as long as we are confined within our
natural sphere, human beings remain seriously limited.
However, God is not limited. He declared in Jeremiah 32:27 thus:
“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is
there anything too hard for me?”
Since He owns the Heavens and the earth and everything in them, and
because He has all power, He is able to do all things. He does not accommodate
limiting words in His vocabulary like men do. How then can we break the yoke of
limitation in our lives? It is by being connected to the only One who cannot be
limited. When such a link is in place, whatever cannot limit God cannot limit
you. What cannot stop God cannot stop you. This is because you have become a
partaker of the divine nature (2nd Peter 1:4). But you must renew
your mind to walk in this reality. To this end, it is necessary to re-examine
your vocabulary and delete all limiting words from it. You are what you think;
your mindset determines your reality. Many people who had the potential of
reaching great heights in their lifetime were stopped by their wrong belief
system and limited mindset. You would be amazed to know that what witchcraft
cannot stop cannot be stopped by the limiting thoughts you hold about yourself.
Beloved, from now on, do not limit yourself. Rather, believe everything God
says about you and confess it. Speak God’s Word over that impossible
situations, and you shall see it change to conform to your
Prayer Point: Father, in everyway, I have limited myself, I release myself from it
today in Jesus Name.