WONDERFUL MIRACLE For Thursday July 9th 2015


Memorise: Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. Romans 15:19

Bible Text: Ezekiel 37:1-10, Bible in one year: 1st Chronicles 28:9-29:30, Luke 19:41-20:18

Miracles have a lesser degree of awesomeness when compared to wonders. Let us closely look at examples of these. It is undeniable that the raising of the dead through prayer is a great act of God. In 1st Kings 17:17-24, when the son of the widow of Zarephath died and Elijah was informed; the prayed, paced up and down, threw himself on the child about three times and the child came back to life. This was a miracle no doubt; but when dead bones cause the dead to be raised to life, it is a great miracle. This happened in 2nd Kings 13:20-21. Someone died and was being conveyed to the burial site, but because the mourners sighted a band of enemy soldiers heading in their direction, they threw the corpse into a nearby grave. Coincidentally, that was where Elisha had been buried. Elisha’s body had decayed leaving only his bones behind. As soon as the corpse touched his bones, the dead man came back to life and ran after his fleeing relatives.
However, when you compare all these great miracles with Ezekiel’s experience documented in today’s Bible reading, you will conclude that they are incomparable in awesomeness. What Ezekiel experienced was a wonder. Ezekiel was taken to a valley full of dry bones and God asked him if the bones could live again. This man of God immediately realised he had come face to face with a situation his faith could not handle. “Lord, this is beyond my faith. Only You can tell”, he replied. God then said to him, “Don’t pray, don’t touch, just prophesy to them and say, Dry bones, hear God’s word and come together, every bone to its bone as it was originally”. Oh! That was easy to say, and he said it as he was commanded, even though he knew it sounded far-fetched. How can you ask dead, dry bones to hear? Oh yes, they can hear, though not your words but God’s Word. This is why you should not stop speaking the Word of God to dead situations, people and things. They all have ears to hear God’s Word and they respond to it. Meanwhile, as the dry bones began to move to form their original bone structure, Ezekiel must have been saying, Wonderful! But God was not done yet; He commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the wind. Now, this was a bit more outlandish! At least the bones he could see, but the wind he could not see. He however obeyed, and the wind began to blow. Breath came into the lifeless entities that had been formed from the dry bones. In no time, a valley full of dry bones was taken over by a strong and able army. Always use God’s Word to call up what you want to see in the Name of Jesus Christ, and it will be so.

 Prayer Point:
Father, in my life, family, workplace and ministry, make us recipients of your wonders.

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