THE PRICE MUST BE PAID For Monday July 6th 2015


Memorise: There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Joshua 1:5

Bible Text: 2nd Kings 6:15-17, Bible in one year: 1st Chronicles 20:22, Luke 18:9-34

After God chose Joshua to succeed Moses, Joshua was afraid, as he wondered how he could ever fit into Moses’ big shoes. Therefore, God came to reassure him, calm his fears and promised to be with him. He said to him Joshua 1:5 that:
“There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, son I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”
Thereafter, he had a smooth ride in ministry until the day the children of Israel fled before Ai. Joshua felt disappointed that God had gone back on His promise, so he went back to God and asked Him “Lord, I thought You said nobody would be able to withstand us. He come we are fleeing before a little city like Ai?” God replied “That is correct, but you are not disconnected from me, and until you resittute and deal with the sin, I will not continue with you.”

If God will use you for great signs and wonders, you must be prepared to make instant restitution. God is about to do great exploits, but if you are not prepared to pay the price, you will be a spectator and not a key player. Have you stolen God’s money, particularly tithes, first fruits and offerings? Pay back immediately! Did your members contribute some money for a particular thing but you diverted it to something else? Restitute! Have you been looking at the wrong direction? Restitute by facing the direction God wants you to take.
There is a price to pay to be a minister or vessel of signs and wonders, one of which is a readiness to operate in by physical and spiritual realms simultaneously. When you pay this price, you will start seeing the invisible. You will not only see angels and the heavenly hosts like Elisha’s servant in today’s Bible reading, you might equally see demons. This should not scare you. When you can see demons, you will immediately see them in any demon-possessed individual brought to you, and when you cast them out, you will be able to know whether they have really gone or are just pretending to have done so. Asking demons how many they are inside their victim is of no use when the minister cannot see them. Even if there is just one of them, because You cannot see him, he can lie to you. How prepared are you to pay the price?

Action Point: If God’s promise to you is not being fulfilled exactly as He promised it, find out what you may be doing wrongly

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