Memorise: But he that is
spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judge of no man. 1st
Corinthians 2:15
Bible Text: Numbers 12:1-10
Bible in one year: Exodus 10-11,
Romans 7

Although Miriam was Moses’ elder sister and leader
of the women of Israel, she was a casualty of God’s judgement in the
wilderness. It is instructive to note that an individual occupying such a
sensitive position could not escape God’s judgement when she goofed. For speaking
against Moses, God struck her with leprosy. It took the intercession of Moses
to reduce her sentence to one week; otherwise she might have died a leper (Numbers 12:13-15). From this example, every man
should know their place and learn never to speak against God’s servants. The
more anointed they are, the more dangerous it is to offend them. If Psalm 105:14-15 is anything to go by, God does
not permit anyone to harm His anointed. If God’s anointed offends you, apart
from telling the fellow directly, you can report the fellow to God who anointed
him or her, and God surely knows how to deal with His anointed. Never take it
upon yourself to speak evil of God’s anointed, and never attempt to cause such
a fellow harm. If you do, God may have to defend His anointed against you.
Anyone fighting God’s anointed is fighting the God who anointed him or her and
with God, this can get very personal.
Our God is a God of structure, order and
government. From the example of Miriam in the wilderness, we understand that
God follows the spiritual order of authority when judging His anointed
servants. To this end, God expects his younger ministers to be submissive to
higher spiritual authority. We should also learn that our God is a God of
justice who will judge any highly anointed person who tries to take advantage
of those under him or her. Are you highly anointed of God? God has placed you
as a role model to those under you; you should therefore not misbehave because
you are occupying a high ecclesiastical office. Don’t abuse your spiritual
authority by cruelly lording yourself over your subordinates and making
unreasonable demands. If your subordinate is right in a matter, God will judge
you, the superior who has done wrong. This can be inferred from the case of
David and Uriah (2nd Samuel 11&12).
Today, many believers are suffering in several ways for fighting, opposing,
obstructing and gossiping about God’s anointed. It is unfortunate that most
people affected by this are not even aware of it. It’s time to deal with your
problems at their root. Consider your attitude to God’s anointed today.
Action Point:Examine yourself to
see if you are suffering in any way as a result of your attitude towards God’s
anointed. If you are, repent and restitute your ways.
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