A CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENCE for Saturday May 30th 2015


Memorise: And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men. Acts 24:16

Read: Romans 14:16-21, Bible in one year: 1st Kings 1st Luke 1:1-25

The Church of Jesus Christ on earth will be healthy and pleasant if Christians would live with conscience void of offence. Unfortunately, offences often arise here and there in the Body of Christ today. This is caused by misuse of opportunities, wealth and other material possessions. For this to be uprooted from the Church, we need to apply the spiritual principles that Apostle Paul laid down in 1st Timothy 6:17-18:
“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;”
A good numbered of Christians are still living under the bondage of a conscience filled with guilt. Why? It is because they have not being totally cut off from their terrible past. For instance, some of them are still living in houses they stole money to build or buy. Some find it difficult to serve their relationship with their old satanic clubs. These and many other entanglements are the reasons why they are not totally free. Some of these Christians put their pastors in tight corners, because their problems just refuse to go away. It then appears as if the pastor does not have enough anointing to deal with such problems. They then move from church to church without finding rest for their souls. The abuse of wealth and position, particularly those that are ill-gotten, robs you of a free conscience. This is why the expected life of peace, joy and contentment, which is our greatest gain and which makes us peculiar as children of God, has eluded some.

A common saying among Christians guilty of the abuse of wealth and position is “My conscience does not condemn me.” The question is: which conscience are you talking about? Is it the dead one that has become reprobate? Some of them even say “As many as are led by the spirit are the children of God.” Which spirit are you talking about? Can the spirit of God, who inspired the writing of the scripture, turn around to tell you that what He inspired men to write was a mistake? Beloved, let us not deceive ourselves any further. Let us live a Christian life devoid of offence against God and men, particularly those of the household of faith.   

Prayer Point: Father, with the Blood of Jesus, please purge my conscience of all dead works that bring offence, in Jesus’ Name.


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