THE TURNING POINT 11 for Monday May 18th 2015


Memorise: And Ruth said, intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Ruth 1:16

Read: Ruth 1:11-16, Bible in one year: 2nd Samuel 1-2, Mark 10:32-52

After Ruth lost her husband early in life and there was no child to show for the relationship, she could never dreamt that she would be a mother of many nations through Jesus Christ our Lord (Matthew 1:5). Ruth would have been long forgotten but for a turning point in her life when she made the decision in today’s memory verse. Her sister-in-law, Orpha, kissed their mother-in-law goodbye and left, but Ruth refuses to let go. She was resolute in her decision to stay with Naomi.

After moving to the land of Israel with her mother-in-law, Ruth eventually remarried Boaz, who was a distant relation of her late husband. This union produced an ancestor of our Lord Jesus Christ, Obed (Ruth 4:13-17). Anytime I remember the decision I made to serve the Lord in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, after the founder personally followed up on me by visiting my residence just after my first visit to the Church, I give glory to God. When I was making the decision to turn away from my self-righteousness and academic pride, little did I know that I was entering into a lifetime for joy in the service of the Lord. I am grateful to the Holy Spirit who helped me make the decision. I pray for you that the Lord will help you to make the decision that will turn your life around for the best today, in Jesus’ Name. you will decide to serve God in spirit and in truth as from today in Jesus’ Name. the last mention of Orpah in the Bible was when she was at a crossroads, and she made the decision to return to her idols.  

“And they lifted up their voice, and wept again: and Orpah kissed her mother in law; but Ruth clave unto her. And she said, Behold, thy sister in law is gone back unto her people, and unto her gods: return thou after thy sister in law.” Ruth 1:14-15

Beloved, what type of situation are you passing through now, and what decisions are you making? Have you weighed the decision you are making, and is God being brought into the picture? Think about this and go into prayer as you go about your business today.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit Divine, please lead me aright in my decision-making process at all times.

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