THE TURNING POINT 1 for Sunday May 17th 2015


Memorise: And Moses said, I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. Exodus 3:3

Read: Exodus 3:1-6, Bible in one year: 1st Samuel 29:31, Mark 10:1-31

A turning point is a defining moment; it is a moment of decision that either makes or mars the life of a person. In life’s journey, there are always crossroads where you have to decide whether to go to the right or to the left. At such moments, if you make the right call, glory to God, but if you make the wrong decision, may God have mercy on you. The Bible contains several examples of people who took either positive or negative turns while at crossroads. Moses is one of such persons. In today’s Bible reading, Moses made a turn that sealed not only his destiny but also that of the Jews for
good. I pray for you today that God will guide you to always make the right call when you are at a crossroads in your life, in Jesus’ Name. when Moses turned to see the great sight of the burning bush, the Bible says it was then the Almighty God spoke. There are some necessary turns you must make in order to fulfil your destiny. There are steps you must take to make progress. The Bible in Exodus 3:4 says:
“And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.”
From the moment, a dialogue ensued, followed by a commissioning for an assignment of eternal value (Exodus 3:10).

Another example of someone who took the right turn was Elisha. His decision  to answer the call of God to the office of a prophet made kings call him “my father” (1st kings 19:19-21, 2 kings 6:21). Also, the decision of Daniel, that he and his colleagues would not defile themselves with the king’s meat, made him outlast several kings and serve as a reference point of excellence to them all (Daniel 1:8, Daniel 1:21, Daniel 5:11-12). The day Peter forsook his big catch of fish at the lake of Gennestaret, he sealed his destiny as a foremost apostle whose shadow would heal the sick (Luke 5:10-11, Act 5:15). The turning point Paul experienced on the road of Damascus resulted in him writing more than a third of the entire New Testament, not to mention the special miracles of the Lord performed through him (Acts 9:3-8, Acts 19:11-12).

I encourage you to playfully decide what you want to do with you life today. Are you born-again, sanctified and Spirit-filled? Your decision today will determine if you will partake of these experiences or not. God will take over your life from the moment you make up your mind to serve Him in spirit and truth.      

Action Point:
Make a lasting, positive decision on what you want to do with the remaining years you have to spend on earth, and pray that God will help you stand by this decision in Jesus’ Name.

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