WHAT’S IN A NAME? on Thursday May 7th 2015

Memorise: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among nations, beginning at Jerusalem. Luke 24:47
Read: Luke 1:30-35, Bible in one year: 1st Samuel 10:11, Mark 5:1-20
God attaches great significance to names. It is unfortunate that many people don’t pay attention to the importance of the names they bear or the names they give to their children. Africans, like the Jews, consider the meaning of a name before they give it to their children or to someone else. The Name that the Almighty God chose to give to His only begotten Son is very significant. It is a wonder-working Name. In Matthew 1:21, we are told the reason why the miracle child Mary would give birth to should bear the Name Jesus:
“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
Salvation from sin is the greatest wonder in the history of mankind because the Bible expressly declares sin as a plague affecting all men. Romans 3:23 says that:
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
The Name Jesus therefore proclaims to the world thus: “Behold the Man who came to achieve the greatest wonder the world needs.”

This is where practitioners of some other religion get confused. They wonder how the Name Man can save another man; not to talk of the claim that this same Name can save all who believe in it. They wonder silently and loudly; they try to rationalise the workability of this declaration which God Almighty Himself made concerning His only begotten Son. Beloved, I encourage you not to bother about how it works. Evidence abounds as to how on the merit of this Name, souls have received and are receiving the forgiveness of sin. Not only that, the positive transformation that occurs in those who believe in this Name is indisputable proof of the wonders the Name of Jesus performs from generation to generation. One of my sons testified that when he believed in the Name of Jesus, not only was he forgiven, he was also miraculous transformed. He experienced the disappearance of curses and abusive words from his vocabulary. He testified that “The curse words could just not come out anymore even when I tried”. To have this same experience, I encourage you to surrender your life totally to Him today. You need to identify with the Owner of this Name before it can work for you. God bless you as you do so today in Jesus’ Name.

Action Point

Make sure you know and belong to the Owner of the Name, JESUS. By this, you will experience transformational wonders, not only in your spiritual life but also in your family and business .

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